Bishops Roost is an assisted living home for the elderly, in Mtuznini, Kwa-Zulu Natal. Situated on a beautiful landscape with a large garden and boasting a sea view – we have created a private and peaceful environment which allows our residents the fresh air needed.
Bishops Roost offers high levels of assisted care, through our professionally trained and experienced staff and their genuine love and care for our residents. We provide superior accommodation that is continuously maintained – to make our residents feel more than at home.
We ensure that all meals are deliciously homemade, providing for special needs where required.
Bishops Roost encourage family members and friends to support their loved ones and participate in the resident’s activities where possible. We openly invite visitors to be involved and become apart of the ‘family home’ – welcome anytime of the day.
Each resident is treated and cared for as an individual, providing for specific needs.
At Bishops Roost we have created a unique feel for the home – strongly driven by the genuine love for our residents.
Welcome to Bishops Roost – a home away from home.

Bishops Roost, 10 Williams Street, Mtunzini, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa, 3867
© Copyright Bishops Roost. All Rights Reserved. Website created by Gosmic Designs.